The house or apartment in which we live plays an immense part in our lives. Since immemorial times it has been providing us a safe place to rest, to think and enjoy time with our family, but it also determines the way we connect with each other and what we give of ourselves to the outside world.
Houses and their interiors have always fascinated the french interior designer Severine Nenciarini. Maybe it comes from the time when her mother wanted to change the place of furniture every week in their family house in Provence. House that always was, by the way, here or there under construction.
From that time Severine had many opportunities to exercise her eye and taste. She started her career working in Art departement on commercials. She also co-founded and ran the iconic design gallery Fat Galerie, in the 3rd arrondissement of Paris, famous for having attracted collectors hunting unconventionnal pieces and for having launched and edited young talentuous furniture designers from all over the world.
This love for beautiful objects and interiors explains her enthusiasm for helping her clients to reveal all the potential of their house, designing vibrants interiors in a desire to contribute to a better quality of life, bringing harmony and ease. Her capacity to modulate the space and design it so it looks as if it was always meant to be, her taste for serene and soothing space, all ingredients to make each project an exciting game of discovery.
She is currently living in Paris and worked for projects in France, Los Angeles, Belgium and Spain.
When not designing houses, Severine can be found behind a wheel, throwing ceramics.